I finally have a finished object to report! Or a pair of objects, rather. I present to you my socks:
And just in time to get in my September socks for SAM2! Whew! These are plain vanilla socks because it was my first try at doing two socks at once on two circulars. I have ambivalent feelings about this method. Granted, it truly was nice to be done with a pair when I was done. That was it, viola, a pair of socks. But it just seemed like this project dragged on forever and ever with no end. That wasn't necessarily the fault of the method, however, because I have had umpteen million distractions since beginning these socks a few months ago. The yarn is Lorna's on size 1s, color is I-have-no-idea. I know, lame-o me.
In other knitting news, this is the scarf I'm working up in Tapestry, color 173. I heart this yarn. The color just shines, and it is super soft. Apparently it also felts really well. That's all folks!
Okay, I think the socks are lovely, and I've done two at a time on dpn's. I was suckered into that method because I thought, yay when I was done they'd be done, but you don't spend less time working on the socks - it's the same as knitting one at a time. So, I don't find it is worth the trouble since SSS isn't a real problem for me (currently - ;>).
The scarf looks really lovely though, you can tell it shimmers from the picture.
Posted by: Bev | 2006.10.01 at 11:47 AM
Great socks! I've tried the two at once trick before, but got frustrated that when I made a mistake, not only did I have to rip out one sock, but I had to rip both to get back to the flub! Yes, it happened more than once. *hangs head* :)
Posted by: Amanda | 2006.10.01 at 09:50 PM
Those socks are just lovely. I love the veregation. I normally really do not like veregated yarn but those are just lovely. Can I say lovely one more time? Lovely.
Posted by: sarah | 2006.10.03 at 04:03 PM
Socks look good!
Posted by: meg | 2006.10.04 at 08:43 PM