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Okay, I think the socks are lovely, and I've done two at a time on dpn's. I was suckered into that method because I thought, yay when I was done they'd be done, but you don't spend less time working on the socks - it's the same as knitting one at a time. So, I don't find it is worth the trouble since SSS isn't a real problem for me (currently - ;>).

The scarf looks really lovely though, you can tell it shimmers from the picture.


Great socks! I've tried the two at once trick before, but got frustrated that when I made a mistake, not only did I have to rip out one sock, but I had to rip both to get back to the flub! Yes, it happened more than once. *hangs head* :)


Those socks are just lovely. I love the veregation. I normally really do not like veregated yarn but those are just lovely. Can I say lovely one more time? Lovely.


Socks look good!

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