It's Spinzilla time! Spinzilla is the first-annual nationwide event of the Spinning and Weaving Group, part of the National NeedleArts Association. During the week of October 7-13, competing teams will challenge each other to see who can spin the most yarn. What's at stake? Prizes galore from a variety of contributors, and prizes here at the shop, and bragging rights, of course!
Join the Knot Another Hat team, and let's show what we can do! To sign up, go to the Registration website and choose team Knot Another Hat. Registration costs just $10.00, and the proceeds go toward funding mentoring programs in the needlearts - a great cause!
Signups are open from August 15th through September 23rd, and we are limited to 25 team members (virtual or local, doesn't matter) so don't delay!
And here's a little secret - all #teamKnotAnotherHat members will get 20% off all fiber in the shop between now and Oct 13!